Jump Start Rebalance & Restore Program with Dr. Ynge

Reclaim Your Optimal Health & Vitality Naturally


Your Jump Start Program Includes:

Three (3) One-on-One Sessions

Your health is a private matter and your challenges are unique to you. You'll have a total of 3 private sessions with Dr. Ynge to pinpoint root causes and solutions!

Food Plans

Tap into your body's natural healing powers by knowing which foods support you and which cause inflammation, allergies and other non-supportive sensitivities.

The Allergy Kit­™

Guidance, direction and additional vials to support you with The Allergy Kit™.


See below for those who want coaching without The Allergy Kit™

Here's How We'll Work Together for Your Jump Start 

During this program you'll work closely with Dr. Ynge in private sessions so that all aspects of your physical, mental and emotional bodies can be brought into balance and alignment.

The process involves finding the root cause of the issues you're experiencing which include nutrition, relationships, and traumas (both physical and emotional).

Session 1

Session 1 will be an in-depth consultation to quickly get to the root cause(s) of your issues and design the perfect protocol for you. This will include: Creation of customized food plans, assess dietary factors, allergies, and as needed, additional vials for The Allergy Kit™ (price included in your program).

(Total Value $250)

Sessions 2 & 3

Once the foundation and protocols have been established in Session 1, we proceed with two, 30-minute sessions providing additional guidance, direction and support as your body comes back into balance and alignment.

We'll work closely on revisions to your food plans, based upon your dietary needs as well as establishing new habits to incorporate and enjoy your new healthy lifestyle so that the changes you make now finally stick for good!

(Total Value $500)

The Food Allergy Kit™ 

The Food Allergy Kit™ is a natural, non-invasive method of treating allergies. While most people don't recognize it, allergies, along with food and environmental sensitivities, are often the root cause of health challenges.

(Total Value $499)

Resources & Tools Included

Easy to Use Apps for Ongoing Tracking

Dr. Ynge has partnered with Biocanic, an online platform that provides reporting, protocol, suggestions and mobile apps that bring us into direct communication with each other.

You'll also get a mobile app to customize your food plans for optimal results.

(Total Value $400)

Total Program Value $1,649

Get Started Today ... Your Best Life Is At Your Fingertips

Coaching with Dr. Ynge 
Three (3) One-on-One Sessions
Total Value $1,050

Special Now Only $399

The Allergy Kit + Coaching
Three (3) Sessions + The Kit
Total Value $1,649

Special Now Only $598

Got Questions?
Contact Dr. Ynge Ljung

Call or Text 754-399-3900

Email: Info@TheAllergyKit.com

About Dr. Ynge Ljung

Acupunture Physician, Alternative Holistic Healer, Acutonic's® Practitioner, Body Code™ Practitioner, and Naturopath

Throughout her career, Dr. Ynge has been challenged by Western medicine’s reliance on treating symptoms typically with drugs, ignoring other factors that seem obvious.

She spent years studying ancient healing sources and Chinese truths that she then incorporated into the development of The Allergy Kit. Her extensive education in both Eastern and Western ideologies allowed her to create an easy, powerful and affordable way to “say bye bye to your allergies” once and for all. This approach creates a lasting effect that brings balance and harmony to the whole being and strengthens the immune system in the process.

Copyright © 2022 The Allergy Kit, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 

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The Body Code™

Patented, Revolutionary Energy Balancing System to Quickly & Painlessly Remove Imbalances  & Restore Balance

Want to Feel Better?

Manifest More?

Enhance Your Health, Life & Relationships?

The Body Code is intended to empower you to restore your health and wellbeing by helping you to resolve the underlying causes of physical or emotional distress you may have. Learn to give your body what it needs, when it needs it in order to create an environment for wellbeing.

Body Code sessions are performed online via Zoom.
