Dr. Ynge Ljung
About Dr. Ynge Ljung
Dr. Ynge's mission is to help as many people as possible. Since 1995 Dr. Ynge has been serving people as an Acupuncture Physician, Body Code™ Practitioner, Naturopath, Functional Medicine, Acutonic's® practitioner, alternative holistic healer and former NAET practitioner.
When I first started working with Dr. Ynge I didn't understand why I couldn't lose weight and my sleep was so poor. I woke up every morning feeling like a truck had hit me. I couldn't control my hunger and I was so anxious, I had to eat to calm myself. NOW, I'm sleeping better and losing weight. Thank you Dr. Ynge!
Working with Dr. Ynge created BIG shifts in me and I am amazed at how easily and quickly it happened. I'm actually a skeptic with this kind of thing, but the results speak for themselves. I highly recommend working with Dr. Ynge.
"Dr. Ynge is a God send to us! When my profoundly physically and mentally disabled sister was in an emergency health situation and her primary care physician couldn't see us, we reached out to Dr. Ynge and she took care of us immediately and went the extra mile in following up to make sure my sister was feeling better. My sister cannot communicate verbally - however with Dr. Ynge she has now learned to communicate in her own way. There has been a profound change in my sister since working with Dr. Ynge. Her physical appearance looks decades younger, she's engaging more with others and attempting to converse. Dr. Ynge practices the true art of healing at the deepest levels and we are eternally grateful."
Reeny and Jen
Upstate, New York
You'll have the opportunity to meet with Dr. Ynge twice per month in a group setting to ask questions and receiving ongoing guidance and suggestions to achieve optimal health naturally.
Sure you could ask "Dr. Google" for natural healing remedies but wouldn't it be best to source that information from a trusted authority who has done the research and vetting for you? During every group session, Dr. Ynge will share the most current as well as time-tested remedies that nature and science provide.
Can't make a live session? No problem - just email your question to Dr. Ynge and she'll answer it during the group session and you get all the replays!
Start tapping away your stress and frustrations now with instant access to four (4) EFT™ (Emotional Freedom Technique) Videos to Create Quick and Lasting Change
The Natural Health Circle Addresses All This and More!
Achieve energetic balance when you remove trapped emotions, internalized trauma and more.
Achieve physical balance by identifying issues in organs, glands, muscles, body systems and how they connect.
Identify heavy metals, free radicals, chemicals, EMF radiation & other toxins that may be throwing off your body's balance.
Find any fungal bacteria, viral, mold or parasitic invaders that wreak havoc on your body from the inside out.
Support the proper function of bones, nerves, connective tissues and alignment.
Find any herbs and nutrients, exercise and lifestyle habits your body is asking for.
Learn how to identify allergic reactions that you may not have realized were causing your symptoms and challenges.
Get guidance on the right supplments to bring your body into balance and those that have the highest absorption levels so you can stop wasting money and time in reclaiming your health.
Tired of carrying around an extra 10, 20 or 30 pounds? Let Dr. Ynge guide you in reducing cravings and finding the foods that are right for your unique body.
Acupunture Physician, Alternative Holistic Healer, Acutonic's® Practitioner, BodyCode™ Practitioner, Naturopath
Throughout her career, Dr. Ynge has been challenged by Western medicine’s reliance on treating symptoms typically with drugs, ignoring other factors that seem obvious.
She spent years studying ancient healing sources and Chinese truths that she then incorporated into the development of The Allergy Kit. Her extensive education in both Eastern and Western ideologies allowed her to create an easy, powerful and affordable way to “say bye bye to your allergies” once and for all. This approach creates a lasting effect that brings balance and harmony to the whole being and strengthens the immune system in the process.
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