Acupuncture Physicians
Functional / Naturopathic Doctors
Health Coaches
Autism Spectrum Disorder Specialists
Occupational Therapists
Speech Language Pathologists
Developmental Psychologists
Rehabilitation / Behavior Modification Therapists
Acupunture Physician, Alternative Holistic Healer, Acutonic's® Practitioner, Body Code™ Practitioner, Naturopathic Doctor
Throughout her career, Dr. Ynge has been challenged by Western medicine’s reliance on treating symptoms typically with drugs, ignoring other factors that seem obvious.
She spent years studying ancient healing sources and Chinese truths that she then incorporated into the development of The Allergy Kit. Her extensive education in both Eastern and Western ideologies allowed her to create an easy, powerful and affordable way to “say bye bye to your allergies” once and for all. This approach creates a lasting effect that brings balance and harmony to the whole being and strengthens the immune system in the process.
Copyright © 2024, Between Heaven & Earth Health Center, LLC, dba The Allergy Kit. All Rights Reserved.